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What Is Healthy Eating?

Healthy eating is all about helping you feel more energized. You don’t necessarily have to follow a strict diet to achieve healthy eating. There needs to be a variety of foods that you eat throughout the week, and finding a balance is critical. The foremost important thing is to get rid of processed, canned, and frozen food as much as possible. You can start small by replacing your favorite microwavable meal with raw ingredients that you cook yourself at home. For our bodies to maintain the best health, we all require protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in our diets. Today we are discussing a few of those things we just listed to give you an idea of incorporating them into a healthy diet.

Proteins are there to give us energy, the kind of energy that can keep us going throughout the day. Excellent sources of protein are meats like chicken, pork, beef, and fish. Buy these meats on the leaner side to give you the most dietary benefits. Vegetarians friendly proteins include tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, milk, cheese, seeds, nuts, and eggs. Proteins are vital because they are the building blocks of life. Every cell in your body contains proteins, which allow your body to function correctly by repairing and making new cells every day.

Fats get a bad rap, but not all fats are bad for you. There are good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help protect your brain and heart. Foods that include those good fats include avocados, cheese, dark chocolate, whole eggs, fatty fish, nuts, chia seeds, extra virgin olive oil, and coconuts. 

Avocados are about 77% fat when calculating the total carbs. Don’t be alarmed because this superfood contains monounsaturated fats. Also, avocados have a lot of potassium. Cheese is also very nutritious because a single slice of cheese contains the equivalent amount of nutrients as a glass of milk. 

When it comes to dark chocolate, find the quality brands containing at least 70% cocoa. Dark chocolate has antioxidants, and some studies have shown that this superfood can improve brain function. Egg yolks used to be considered unhealthy because of the amount of cholesterol in them; however, most of the nutrients in the eggs’ yolk. Whole eggs are healthy for you and are also high in protein, helping you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer. Unsaturated fats are good for you, but maintaining a healthy diet includes finding a good balance.

Carbohydrates also tend to have a bad rap, but they are one of your main energy sources. When it comes to carbs, remember that they should mostly be coming from natural, unrefined sources. You can get these from whole grains such as oatmeal, non-starchy vegetables like spinach or tomatoes, fruits such as berries, legumes like kidney beans, and nuts (peanuts, cashews, and walnuts to be exact).

Fiber is essential because it helps your digestive system stay regulated and reduces heart disease and stroke risk. There is an extensive array of foods that are considered high in fiber. Fruits high in fiber include raspberries, pears, apples (with the skin), bananas, oranges, and strawberries. Vegetables high in fiber are green peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, corn, cauliflower, and carrots. Foods with grains that are high in fiber are bran flakes, quinoa, oatmeal, popcorn (air-popped), brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and rye bread. Lentils, black beans, almonds, pistachios, and sunflower seeds are also high in fiber. From this list, you can see many ways you can get your daily amount of fiber in your diet.

As you begin the journey towards a healthy diet, remember that you don’t have to be perfect. It will always take time and concerted effort to maintain a healthy diet. The best place to start right now is to reduce the amount of processed and sugary foods you eat. That means that you should quit buying your favorite ice cream for dessert, stop getting donuts before work, stay away from that cake that tempts you at the store, and for heaven’s sake, don’t get the combo meals at your favorite fast-food restaurant. We all know that soda is cheap, but it is not good for you. Whatever is your vice, make a goal to stop eating that unhealthy processed snack, your body will thank you for it, and you will feel happier and energized as a result.