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Things To Know About Vegan Diets

It is important to note that people become vegan for different reasons. For some, being vegan is simply a dietary decision, but others take it even further by not buying anything with any animal product. It is no doubt; there hasn’t been a better time to be vegan because of all the resources and recipes out there. Following a vegan diet doesn’t mean your food will taste bland and boring either.

The number one rule in a vegan diet is to avoid using foods from animals. These include ingredients such as meat, honey, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vegans strictly limit themselves to plant-based foods. Making a vegan-friendly meal consists of using foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, bread, rice, pasta, soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, and vegetable oils. There are many alternatives for protein such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, chickpeas, lentils, beans, nutritional yeast, quinoa, oats, chia seeds, and seitan (made up of the wheat protein known as gluten). In recent years the development of impossible meat also provides vegans more options. This list may seem limiting, but there are many different ways to cook vegan meals and have many flavors to choose from.

We’ve all seen plant-based milk, but did you know there are also plant-based cheeses, yogurts, and kinds of butter? There aren’t many companies that sell these, which makes the market quite competitive. This means that right now, the prices remain about the same or higher than the average animal-based dairy product. Besides, vegan sauces, spreads, and dressings are expensive, but these can be made fresh at home for the most part. Buying something premade is the price you pay for convenience. The best thing you can do as a vegan is meal prep as much as possible so that you are prepared for an entire week’s worth of food at a time. Restaurants that offer vegan-friendly meals are not cheap, and this can quickly rack up your food bills throughout the year. Another tip is to buy vegetables and fruits that are in season. This will keep your costs low and help you alleviate the stress of buying fresh produce.

It’s no wonder that research has shown people on a vegan diet have better heart health overall compared to people who eat meat. They are also at lower risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Most of the time, vegans are able to cut down on a lot of calories, which helps them stay physically fit. However, cutting out meat and dairy products can lead to gaps in one’s nutrition. Vegans often have to eat more of something to get enough protein in their system. Other nutrients like calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are less prevalent among vegans. Vitamin B12 is solely found in animal products; thus, a supplement is required for vegans to obtain this essential nutrient. If you are starting a vegan diet, talk to your doctor to help you know the best way to continue getting the right nutrition in your body.

Salads are a go-to meal for vegans, but that isn’t the only kind of meal they can eat. There are other vegan options like pasta, pizza, tacos, fajitas, veggie burgers, and of course, soups. If you are asked to provide a vegan meal, ask your guest what they would like. If you’re cooking a Mexican dish, maybe they would like tacos or something to go with a bean and rice bowl. Don’t overthink the dish; make a dish that is flavorful and plant-based. You can also consider making a vegan dessert such as a fruit tart, peanut butter bars, banana ice cream, or even a no-bake coconut yogurt cheesecake.

We hope you enjoyed learning more about the vegan diet. If you consider a vegan diet, talk to your doctor first to help you in that transition.